Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Interview with Forward Musiq

Los reyes del Drum & Bass, Noisia, son entrevistados por nosotros. Entra y lee que tienen que decir.

Their name is a synonym for hard hitting bass lines, and massive drops. They are easily the best of the best when it comes to Drum & Bass. We are talking of course of 
Noisia. The Drum & Bass trio is made up of Nik Roos, Martijn van Sonderen and Thijs de Vlieger, the three coming from Groningen, Neatherlands. Being one, if not the biggest name in the Drum & Bass industry, Noisiahas spread through the world conquering the international EDM scene with hits such as Machine GunSplit the AtomScary Monsters and Nice Sprites RemixRaise Your Weapon Remix, and ShellshockNoisia's recent debut album, Split The Atom was received very well by critics, and by fans all together. They have been constantly touring, having made a appearance the past August 27th at Electric Daisy Carnival Puerto Rico 2011 And once again here they are today for an exclusive interview with Forward Musiq.

Hello, thanks for accepting to be part of this interview, it is an honor to have you here today!
Forward Musiq: How was electronic music introduced into your lives?
Noisia: Through the radio! We first heard it on our national radiostation 3fm.

FM: Where did you come up with the name, Noisia? And how did each of you meet and decide to make music together?

N: The name came from an upside down videotape of the brand ‘Vision’. We’re still not sure who discovered it exactly. Whichever way it happened, we met in high school and kind of gravitated towards eachother, being the only few kids in the school who were into d&b.

FM:  Why did you decide to work on Drum N’ Bass and Dubstep? What made it stand pout for you guys from the rest of genres?

N: We used to be all about the bass sounds in d&b. Back then they were quite modest. If a track had just a simple ‘wop’ sound or anything filter-y bassline-y, we were all over it. The vibe of a moody, morphing bass driven d&b track still rubs me in ways no other genre can.

FM: Are there artists that served as pillars of inspiration for your music?

N: Yes. Back in the days: Ed Rush & OpticalKonflict, Stakka & Skynet, Ram TrilogyCause for ConcernDaft PunkThe Prodigy. Recently we’ve been liking Glitch Mob16 bitMadeonAmon Tobin and as always Phace & Misanthrop.

FM: And with whom do you want to collaborate with?

N16 bitDaft PunkThe Prodigy Justice are still on our wishlist. We’ve just done 3 tracks with Korn, that was quite awesome.

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